This blog post was inspired by a text convo I had with my partner.
Having a partner in crime is nice, but have you ever had a partner in time?
Allow me to explain.
I’m the kinda person who likes to know both the start and end time of things (jobs, projects, birthday parties, etc). Otherwise I tend to feel trapped and feeling trapped makes me prone to a plethora of awkward behaviors.
I love to experience life, I have been blessed to do work that I’m passionate about, and when I go out I am usually surrounded by people I love. Even still, the second my internal clock says I’m done, I’m done twice over.
When it comes to work, I ALWAYS know when it’s time to move on.
Once that antsy dissatisfaction becomes a chronic condition, I’m already planning my exit strategy. I’ve been like this for as long as I can remember. I used to force myself to stay longer than I wanted, but at this delicious age I do NOT play those games.
When it comes to social events, the minute my social battery runs out – it’s over for me. I can drastically go from life of the party to party pooper in a matter of seconds. Conversations are a waste of energy once I hit this point; attempts at small talk can be met with flat out rudeness.
Once my eyes start scanning the room for the exits, one of two things can happen. If I’m in good spirits, but slightly over it, I might start my elaborate farewell ritual.
However, if my social battery has been drained to the point of social anxiety, know that I’m not above pulling a disappearing act. I don’t care who I’m with either. If I drove, even better. If I didn’t drive, I’ll find another ride or I’ll call an Uber.
This is where having a good partner in time comes into play. I like going out with people who understand this about me.
For instance:
If we arrive at a party at 8:30pm and I lock eyes with you at 9:30pm, you know what it is. I’m probably going to ask you what you think about leaving around 10pm (I likely mentioned the end time before we even got to the event).
Because how long do we need to do this?Especially if the food, drinks, entertainment, and crowd are all just “ok.” Gozá math says an hour and a half is plenty of time to dedicate to an “ok” experience.
The more enriching the experience, the longer I’m willing to stay. But please believe you’ll be getting eyeballs from me every half hour to 45 minutes.
My partner and I are so compatible when it comes to this. Chances are, he was already checking the exits when I started pointing to my watchless wrist. We both know how to get out of a jam and I love that for us!
Here is the text that inspired this post.
Can anyone relate?
#partnerintime #mylife #shenanigans #partyisover #nomore #socialbattery #getmeouttahere #gottago #funnyacting #gozaness #greenflags #Andimout