Omi Oh My Coaching

About Me

My name is Gozá (pronounced go-zay) Parks I am The Black Love Permissionist.

In other words, I am a certified Life Coach who heavily focuses on Black love. I have a Bachelor’s in Psychology from Depaul University and I am certified as a Feminine Empowerment Coach from The Progressive Love Academy. I also have a coaching certification from The Coaching Guild.

I assure you, this matters very little.

The most important thing about me is: I AM a powerful reflection of YOU. I AM a lover of humanity with an extra dollop of compassion for Black people. I AM a passionate cheerleader who takes immense pleasure in supporting powerful people.a

Who do I want to work with?

People who feel large, but perhaps play small. Colorful, dynamic humans who refuse to make excuses. Those who are loud, whether they open their mouths or not. Stars who shine brightly.

Appreciation for OUR music? Even better!

Who are you?

You are all-powerful; I can amplify it. If you are a ruler, healer, or creative please consider me.

If people have labeled you intimidating, let’s unpack that bullshit. I am here to help my people take up as much space as it takes for them to live the succulent life they fantasize about.

Giving you permission to enhance your relationship with yourself is my greatest priority.

If you want a docile lady to coddle you, this ain’t that.

If you seek to be seen, heard and felt I provide eyes, ears and heart.

If you desire a coach with an intimate client load, I've made room for you.

If you are seeking a luxury, individualized coaching experience invest in yourself.

Are You Done Expressing Only A Small Percentage Of Yourself?

If you are tired of holding back in your relationships, it’s time for a change. Say “fuck yes!” to unleashing your true self. Book a Curiosity Consultation with me today, and let me guide you to the forefront. I am here to help you be seen, heard, and felt in all your richly melanated glory.