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What is the source of our heaviness?

To whomever this applies to,

Why are you exhausted?

What is the source of our heaviness?

Is it Daylight savings time? Is it because of the weather changes? Is it because the holidays are upon us? Is it seasonal affective disorder? Is it a combination of things?

Could it also be that we are psychically drained by the multiple crises happening across the globe? 

Could we quite possibly be absorbing the pain, fear, confusion and apathy of the collective consciousness?

Empathy burnout is a real thing. 

Especially for those of us who tend to live on the political front lines.

Especially for those of us who are spiritually posted at humanity’s crossroads.

Especially for those of us who provide any kind of mental/emotional health services for people in need.

Who is in your corner? Who is holding you? Who is listening to your heart? 

Even if you aren’t comfortable expressing how you feel about these things online, I implore you not to carry this weight alone.

In the words of Q-Tip, let’s all take a moment to breathe and stop. 

I mean in this exact moment.



Hold it.


This time inhale until you can’t take in any more sips of air.

Hold it until you feel you might burst.

Exhale every drop of stagnant, unnecessary energy out of your body.

I want to thank you for giving yourself a moment to take two breaths. 

The world needs you breathing. 

Thank you for breathing with me.

Now, for those of us who can, let us (choose at least one):

💙 put our bare feet on some earth for at least 60 seconds

💙 stretch for at least 90 seconds

💙 drink at least 8 more ounces of water today

💙 hug someone we love for at least 20 seconds (hint: we don’t have to look far for this person)

💙 write down at least one thing we are grateful for

I can’t guarantee that this will fix any of what’s ailing humanity right now but your mind, body and spirit deserve a break from the magnetic pull of it all.

#omiohmycoaching #theblacklovepermissionist #theyearofheir #honeyeverythingisrelationship #breathe #emotions #empathy